Arlequi: Banyoles, Spain
5 Day Intensive Workshop in Klein Technique
Taught by Susan Klein, assisted by Certified Klein TechniqueInstructors

Wednesday, July 3 – Sunday, July 7, 2024
Arrival: Tuesday, July 2 by 8:00pm
Departure: Monday, July 8 by noon

Arlequi Spain Klein Technique

Please test before traveling and wear a good mask on all transportation to Arlequi. We will test twice during the week so that we don’t have to wear masks and everyone can feel comfortable during the workshop.

This course will be a Residential Intensive Workshop in Klein Technique™ taught by Susan Klein, founder and developer of Klein Technique™, in the countryside of Spain at the beautiful and magical space of Arlequi. This will be a working vacation in that we will have 25 hours of formal class time and with equally important informal time to work, relax and rejuvenate, while focusing on our bodies, feeding our body, mind and spirit. Arlequi is about a 1½ drive North East of Barcelona and about 1/4 hour drive North from Girona, Spain in the beautiful surroundings of lake Banyoles.

Arelqui Klein Technique ClassIn class we will focus on a pivotal concept of Klein Technique™, moving from the deepest structural and energetic tissue of the body, the bone. We will explore the anatomy and function of the muscles of deep structural support: the psoas, the hamstrings, the pelvic floor, and the external rotators. These muscles when put into proper use have the ability to change the relationships of the bones to one another and to maximize the transmission of force through the body. They bring the pelvis on top of the legs and connect the body to the floor and upwards to the space. We will intellectually explain and physically work with these muscles in order to consciously learn to use these muscles to bring the bones into alignment and, in turn, bring the body into a place of connectedness. This work leads to true power, strength and efficiency in movement.

Arelqui flowers In Klein Technique™ we look at the body as part of the living system of life and part of a systems approach to movement. We believe that the body exists within our gravitational system of the floor and the space. We do not exist in isolation, nor do we dance in isolation. We exist and dance with the ground, the space, and each other. To do so, with efficiency, we need to be connected. Klein Technique™ is an education of the body on a profoundly deep level of understanding. We view and cultivate the body as an integral whole in order to maximize its full functional potential. Our aim is to develop dancers as unique movers, maximizing individual potential and essential self-knowledge that will lead to flourishing artistry and minimizing injury.

Klein TechniqueSusan Klein has been developing and teaching Klein Technique™ since 1972, teaching daily classes in New York City at her studio The Susan Klein School of Movement and Dance. Since 1989 she has been traveling throughout the world teaching intensive workshops in Klein Technique™. Klein Technique™ is a result of a serious knee injury and developed out of Susan’s personal journey to get well. It serves as a way for people to work through their individual injuries to understand and improve the workings of their bodies, to heal themselves and become better dancers. Her main influences in developing her work are Irmgard Bartenieff, Dr. Fritz Smith, and Professor J. R. Worsley. Susan has a private practice as a Movement Therapist, Certified Zero Balancer, Senior Zero Balancing Teacher, and Traditional 5 Element Worsley Style Acupuncturist, L. Ac., B. Ac. (UK), M.Ac. (USA), Dipl. Ac. (NCCAOM).

Arlequi Main House FEE

Early bird fee until May 17: 695 Euros. Full fee, as of May 17, 795 Euros.
Fee is all inclusive - 25 hours of in-depth Klein Technique™ classes, taught by Susan Klein and Certified Klein Technique™ Instructors, 3 freshly cooked meals a day, including snacks and beverages, full use of the studio and accommodations in the hayloft.


Email: susan@kleintechnique.com

Please note that class size is limited and fills up quickly.
Your registration is only confirmed once payment is completed and confirmed with Susan Klein School of Movement and Dance. For more travel and accomodation details look at Arlequi: www.arlequi.de or email tiana@kleintechnique.com



Susan Klein School of Movement and Dance
60 Beach Street 4A
New York, NY 10013